What is hobbycue all about?

Simply put, hobbycue has Cues for your Hobby 🙂 It is a community blog for sharing your experiences and learning from each other. Hobbies are categorised, and a Cue could be in the form of a blog, a reference to a teacher/coach, an equipment/part supplier, etc. – all pertaining to the hobby. In this website you can jump across hobby categories or simply search for Cues. Check the About page for a basic why and what. We’ll soon have a post with more details.

How are hobbies organised?

To make it easier, hobbies in hobbycue are categorised based on research work done by Dr. Robert Stebbins called ‘Serious Leisure’. If you find anything missing or incorrect, do let us know. Do note that we are still in a beta phase of this whole concept and happy to fine tune all content.

If you find anything missing or incorrect, do let us know. Do note that we are still in a beta phase of this whole concept and happy to fine tune all content.

CollectMakeActivityPlayArts PerformArts Visuals & Lit
Collecting, Recording

Stamps, Coins, Currency, Art, Antiques, Music, Memorabilia, Spotting and Record keeping such as birds, jokes, travel itineraries, etc.

Making, Tinkering

Creating Scaled Models, 3D Printing, Dresses, Cooking, Gardening, etc. DIY Home and Utility building, Tinkering including Restoring & Repairing.

Activity Participation

Nature (Mountain, Forest, Water, Aero, Desert) & Adventure, Safari, Park, Picnicking, etc. Require physical abilities, but are not competitive.

Sports, Games

Sports and Games, Indoors and Outdoors, Video and Online, Guessing and Role playing games, usually Competitive.

Arts – Performing

Music, Dance, Theatre – Singing, Playing Musical Instruments, Dancing, Acting, Magic, Stand-up and other stage based.

Arts – Visual, Literary

Visual Arts such as Painting, Photography, Movie making. Literary Arts such as Reading, Viewing, Listening, etc.

Why can’t I Like, Comment, Find or Add friends and content?

You must be signed in to hobbycue to Like or Comment on pages and posts. If you are visiting the site for the first time, you may see options to sign in with Facebook or Google. If you do not want to link any of these, you can always Register with an e-mail ID. If you are already signed in, you should see your image and/or name at the top right corner of hobbycue.

How do I add a new Blog Post?

You must be signed in to add a new post to hobbycue. If you are signed in from a laptop, you should see a “New +” icon at the top right. If you are signed in from a mobile device, you should see a “+” icon. Click on that and get started.

As of now, every new post is moderated. We want no spam here! This can be removed for users who complete a certain number of posts and reviews.

a) What are the Guidelines for Posting Blogs?

hobbycue is for experience sharing. While your profile details and preferences are private, all your posts are public. Avoid personal information in your post. Avoid politics, religion, sex or other objectionable content.

b) I already have my blog posts on another site. Can I get them into hobbycue?

Awesome! If you would like to get them over to hobbycue, it is easy. Export your blog to an XML file as shown below, we can import to hobbycue.

  1. From another WordPress site : Check this WordPress support page.
  2. From Blogspot or Blogger : Check this Google guide, or this YouTube video.
  3. Anything else? : Let us know at info@hobbycue.com

What is a Listing? How do I add one?

A Listing is to have an entry of your business or brand in hobbycue database with an intent to collaborate with the community. A Listing could be to teach a hobby, collaborate with other hobbyists or to buy or sell supplies or products relevant to the hobby. Click here to Add a Listing.

How do you ensure privacy of my data?

We value the privacy of your data. Your login information, location and cookies are used only to deliver an automatically personalised experience. Passwords are encrypted, no data is shared with 3rd party, and there will be no spam e-mails from us. Check out our privacy policy for more details.

For any further queries, please reach out to info@hobbycue.com