Anindita Mukherjee


Anindita Mukherjee


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The First Lady of Raag Pradhan: Vidhushi Late Deepali Nag of Agra Gharana is Smt. Anindita Mukherjee. After benefiting from her for 22 successful years, Smt. Anindita established Sangeet Sadhana School of Music in 2009 to preserve, engender, and protect Hindustani classical and traditional music.

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The First Lady of Raag Pradhan: Vidhushi Late Deepali Nag of Agra Gharana is Smt. Anindita Mukherjee. After benefiting from her for 22 successful years, Smt. Anindita established Sangeet Sadhana School of Music in 2009 to preserve, engender, and protect Hindustani classical and traditional music.

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