Society for the Promotion of Indian Classical Music And Culture Amongst Youth


Society for the Promotion of Indian Classical Music And Culture Amongst Youth


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SPIC MACAY is a non-political nationwide voluntary movement that organises programmes of classical music and dance, folk arts, crafts, yog, classic cinema screenings, heritage walks, etc. inside school and college campuses throughout the world to make students more aware about Indian and world heritage. This initiative makes education more holistic and meaningful as it highlights all that is abstract, subtle, inspiring and mystical in the world teaching one to look within oneself. SPIC MACAY runs on the energy of volunteers who come from all walks of life - students, teachers, housewives, professional and retired people, young and old. Nishkam Seva is a key aspect of the movement.
Speciality: Classical
Tag: Performing Art
Listing Type: Sabha

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