Sri Nadabrahma Sangeetha Sabha
To Nurture and Promote Classical Music

Sri Nadabrahma Sangeetha Sabha
To Nurture and Promote Classical Music
Mysore has the heritage of promoting cultural activities for centuries & was the cultural centre of the Princely state.Soon after re organisation of states of Independant India,The "Royal Asthan" lost it's status in 1956.Sangita Bhushana M.A.Narasimhachar with few of his like mindedfriends SriS.B.RamaRaoof LIC, K.V.Anantharamaiah a leading advocate, the then Vice President of Mysore Municipality and many others contemplated an alternative organization, which would continue patronage to music. The brain-child of such a vision was Sri Nadabrahma Sangeetha Sabha. It was launched on 20.12.1956. The sabha was inaugurated by Sri G.N.Nagaraja Rao, divisional commisioner of Mysore. The Sabha was given a small room at Anathalaya building, which became its Office (that room was retained by sabha till 2005). The first President of the sabha was Vajram S.Srinivasa Iyengar of T.Narasipur.
Listing Type: Sabha
Listing Type: Sabha
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