Raga Dhana

Ragadhana-A Sabha to popularize Classical Indian Music

Raga Dhana

Ragadhana-A Sabha to popularize Classical Indian Music


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Raga Dhana was started in Udupi in 1988, by a team of young musicians and music lovers. Vidwan Sri Madhoor P Balasubramanyam, a disciple of Sri Venkata Subramanya Iyer of Kanchana, as the Founder President and Prof V. Aravinda Hebbar as the Founder Secretary, entered in to this venture of propagating, educating and popularizing our classical Indian Music in this remote corner of the State. The team went from house to house, not for the collection of money, but to arrange Griha Sangeeth, infusing the host, to put himself into the shoes of Carnatic music.
Speciality: Classical
Listing Type: Sabha

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