Bhramara Trust

A Multifaceted Trust

Bhramara Trust

A Multifaceted Trust


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The Bhramara Trust is set up in memory of Prof. Y. T. Thathachari. He was a distinguished scientist and a renowned scholar. This trust dedicates itself to fulfill the dreams of Prof. Y.T. Thathachari. His dream was to provide relief to the poor, medical aid to the sick. The trust promotes education and encourages Sanskrit Studies. It also encourages innovations in Fine Arts and Creative Writing. The trust has instituted the Prof. Y. T. Thathachari Prestigious Research Award. This award is for outstanding, pioneering research in the frontier areas of Physics. It is also for Chemistry, Mathematics, Biological and Medical Sciences. The trust has also given Lifetime Achievement Awards. This is for persons whose contributions have enriched Science and Fine Arts. In Music, the Trust has instituted the Smt. M.S. Subbulakshmi Award. This award is for outstanding young vocalists in Carnatic Music. The trust has also instituted a prestigious award for innovation in Carnatic Music.
Tag: Performing Art
Listing Type: Sabha

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