B Vittal Rangan
Disciple of A Kanyakumari

B Vittal Rangan
Disciple of A Kanyakumari
B Vittal Rangan is an upcoming Violinist, from Bangalore. Born into a family of musicians and immense support from his gurus, he has a high finesse in Violin. His mother Chitra Bilvam is AIR graded artist from Bangalore. He first started his training in Violin under the guidance of late R.R. Keshavamurthy.
Vittala is now under the tutelage of Vidushi A. Kanyakumari, a disciple of M.L.VasanthaKumari. He is a "A" grade artist in AIR and have given many recitals for AIR and Doordarshan Bangalore. He has performed with his guru, in many prestigious platforms and received accolades. He has accompanied many other eminent musicians in their concerts. Vittala has received many awards and recognitions for his contributions to the music, at such an young age.
Born in a musical family, his initial training began in vocal music when he was five, from his mother Chitra Bilvam who is an alumnus of Tiruvaiyaru Raja’s Music College and an AIR graded artist, Bengaluru. Thereafter he also self-learnt the harmonium and used to play it during bhajan sessions conducted in his home. Further, his mother was very keen that he learnt violin, particularly because of its high versatility and mellifluous sound. He had his initial lessons on the violin from the late R.R. Keshavamurthy for a brief period. Once, they happened to attend an ensemble led by vidushi A. Kanyakumari at Sri Rama Seva Mandali, Bengaluru. And he was spellbound and inspired by the way she played along with her disciples and from then on it was his dream to become her disciple, which came true in 2003. His guru is a disciple of three legends—Ivaturi Vijeswara Rao, M. Chandrasekaran and M.L. Vasanthakumari. During one of the performances, he had made a humble attempt to explore a rare raga called Sivakambhoji and uploaded its recording on Youtube. Having listened to this, vocalist Abhishek Raghuram asked him to play the raga alapana in one of his own concerts, which meant a lot to him.
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