S A Jithendra Kishore


S A Jithendra Kishore




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Sri. S A Jithendra Kishore is a son and disciple of renowned violin artist Vidwan Sri. S V Ananth. He is the grandson of Vidwan S V Venkateshaiah the founder of “Vani Institute of Music” Bangalore. Jithendra has emerged as one of the graded violin artists in Karnataka-India. He is one of the most sought-after violinists in the Carnatic music field of India. Jithendra received basic training from his father and Guru Vidwan Sri S V Ananth. He had taken higher studies from Late Vidwan Sri. A Veerabhadraiah and Ganakalabushana Late Vidwan Sri. Anoor S Ramakrishna. He has secured “Second Rank” in “Vidwat” music violin examination. Jithendra has postgraduate in “Masters of Computer Applications” from Madurai University Tamilnadu. Currently, he is working as Analyst for “Carrier Corporation” Connecticut USA. Jithendra has performed in most of the major “Sabha’s”, “All India Radio” and Television in India and abroad. He has composed and conducted many group music concerts. He also has accompanied many top-ranking dancers in major cities of India and abroad. Jithendra has won several awards from prestigious institutions from Bangalore and Madras. Jithendra and his family run an Institution in Bangalore. It is the Vani Institute of Music. It is running since 1953).

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