M S Sheela

Founder Of Hamsadhwani Creations , Carnatic Classical Vocalist

M S Sheela

Founder Of Hamsadhwani Creations , Carnatic Classical Vocalist



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MS Sheela is a leading Carnatic classical vocalist who has made her mark in classical music. She knows light as well as devotional genres of music. She has the rare distinction of being a top rank artist of AIR and Doordarshan. She ranked top in both classical and light music. MS Sheela has a large number of audio releases to her credit. Her renditions of Lalithasahasranama, Sharada Suprabhata, Venkateshwara Suprabhata, Soundarya Lahari etc are popular. They are also in great demand. Sheela, along with her husband Prof B K Ramaswamy, has founded Hamsadhwani Creations. This Institute promotes Classical music through innovative programmes and thematic audio albums. 'Haridasa Namana', 'Palinchu Kamakshi', 'Guru Raghavendra' are some of her audio releases. She released them through Hamsadhwani Creations. MS Sheela is the first woman artist from Karnataka who has a top rank in Carnatic music. She is also the first top rank artist from the state in Sugama Sangeetha (light music). She is also a trained Bharatanatyam Dancer. Sheela used to give dance performances until the early 90's.
Speciality: Classical
Speciality: Vocal

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