Percussion Ensemble

Percussion Ensemble
Layalahari, Percussion Ensemble of Ayyanar College of Music, which emerged in the year 1980 largely due to the ideas and dreams of Ganakalabhushana Vidwan Late Anoor S Ramakrishna and Sangeetha Kala Ratna Vidwan Late Bangalore K Venkatram, is acclaimed a successful attempt of blending these hitherto different forms of percussion, where the charm of rhythm of the folklore is not dispensed at the cost of tonal value. This troupe is currently directed and led by Ganakala Shree, Layakala PrathibhamaniVidwan Anoor R. Ananthakrishna Sharma. The members of this troupe are all the students of Sri Ayyanar College of Music. This troupe has given performances all over India and other countries.The percussion members of this group are basically Mridangam Artists, but play various other percussion instruments with the same felicity.
Tag: Performing Art
Tag: Performing Art
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