Gurumurthy Vaidya
Disciple of legendary master Pandit Ravindra Yavagal

Gurumurthy Vaidya
Disciple of legendary master Pandit Ravindra Yavagal
Born and Brought up in the district of North Canara, Shri Gurumurthy Vaidya is a Tablist by Profession. Being guided initially by Shri G G Hegde, Yellapur and Pt.Basavaraj Bendigere, Dharwad, he is now under the tutelage of Pt.Ravindra Yavagal, Bangalore. With his own interest, Shri Gurumurthy Vaidya has gained a good knowledge and control over Vocal Music, Pakhawaj, Chende, Mrudanga, other rhythmic instruments along with Tabla. Laya Vinyasa, is a popular programme experimented and popularised by him with performing all said instruments with / without vocal support. A B-High grade Tabla artist of AIR, Bangalore and TV artist has performed worldwide and has accompanied the greatest musicians. He has composed and directed music for many commercial CDs and music projects. He is Graded artist of AIR Bangalore.
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