Dr. Ranjan Kr Srivastava

Carnatic Violinist

Dr. Ranjan Kr Srivastava

Carnatic Violinist



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Ranjan is the eldest son of (Late) Mahesh Prasad. He has been surrounded by the musical atmosphere since his childhood by the grace of his musicologist and poet hearted father. As a toddler, Ranjan's introduction with music started with Vocal music. He deepened himself in his violin training under Guru Sri T.M.Patnaik. The able guidance of Sri Patnaik and hours of devotional practice led Ranjan to meet high maturity to improve his imagination power and melodious musical skill. His fervour for learning for innovative style in violin playing infatuated and dragged him to Chennai(Tamilnadu) under the rarest guidance of Padmamshree M.S. Gopalakrishnan Here, he rejuvenated his violin playing in"Hindustani Gayaki Ang"(Parur msg style) by imbibing continuous techniques of musical richness. Ranjan is pursuant of PhD in music and honours graduate in History. He is a well-known name for either A.I.R. or Doordarshan Kendra. His performance in several prestigious and glorious musical concerts as Solo, Accompaniment as well as Duet performer with the other instruments on the violin made him the star of audience' eyes. His classical-orchestra conduction and fusion musical skills either for Doordarshan or for other private channels or public musical concerts left an indelible impression in the womb of audience's heart. His accompany on the violin with almost all the recognised leading Dhrupad, Khayal and light classical vocalists strengthened his position in the eye of musical stalwarts.
Speciality: Classical

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