C K Pavandeep

A distinguished Carnatic musician

C K Pavandeep

A distinguished Carnatic musician


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C.K. Pavandeep is an upcoming Carnatic musician based on Bangalore. He is the disciple of Sangeetha Samrat Shri.T.V.Gopalakrishnan. He is "A" grade artist at All India Radio (AIR). He has given solo concerts at prestigious Sabhas and music festivals in India and abroad. His recitals alongside with his guru have earned positive reviews. He has performed several music programmes for Doordarshan and AIR. Pavandeep is never short of awards and accolades. "Kala Praveena", "Nadha Shri","Pratibhakankshi" are few notable laurels he has received. He has released several classical music albums and Slokas.
Speciality: Vocal

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