B Raghuram
A Violin And Harmonium Artist

B Raghuram
A Violin And Harmonium Artist
Vidwan B. Raghuram is one of India's leading violinists. He is an A grade Violin and Harmonium artist in All India Radio. Adept at handling the violin, he is one of India's foremost accompanying artists. Vidwan B. Raghuram began his training under his father Harmonium S. Bheemrao. He began playing concerts at the tender age of 6. He has accompanied several stalwarts. Besides being a proficient performer, he is also a very accomplished teacher. Some of his senior students have become prominent accompanying artists. They perform all over India and abroad. Vidwan B. Raghuram currently heads the Vidwan S. Bheemrao Trust of Performing Arts. This trust is in constant pursuit of promoting young and upcoming artists. They also recognize the achievements of several accomplished artists.
Violin Maestro B Raghuram was born to Vidwan Harmonium S. Bheema Rao and Smt Rajamma in 1960, Bangalore. Harmonium and violin maestro 'Shruthi-Laya Visharada' S. Bheema Rao is a disciple of Mysore Palace Asthana Vidwan Bidaram Krishnappa. He accompanied on violin and harmonium, the great stalwarts of those days like Bidaram Krishnappa, H Muthaiah Bhagavatar etc. He has a few great compositions to his name which are being rendered even today.
Sri B Raghuram started violin at the age of 5 under the guidance of his father. He was very quick in grasping the intricacies of the music and mastering the techniques of playing on violin and harmonium. He gave his first concert at the age of 10. Bahudari Varna, composed by 'Shruthi-Laya Visharada' Vidwan S. Bheema Rao, rendered by Vidwan B Raghuram. B Raghuram is an accomplished composer as well. His style resembles that of an authentic Mysore-Baani. He Won First-prize in All India Radio (AIR) Music Competition in 1983. He was Awarded as 'Best Musician' by Bangalore Gayana Samaja in 1984. He is an Accomplished A-Grade artiste in All India Radio (AIR) and Doordarshan.
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