Anil Panchal

Contemporary and Chhau artistic director

Anil Panchal

Contemporary and Chhau artistic director



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Anil Panchal is a well-known choreographer, teacher and performer. He is trained in Mayurbhanj Chhau and Contemporary Dance. His artistry in this field has is shaped by curiosity, inquiry, experimentation and investment in a variety of practices including improvisation, theatre and contemporary movement techniques. Panchal is recognized as a cutting-edge choreographer whose work is abstract, creative, sensitive and multi-dimensional. His love and devotion for dance and his desire to enlighten and entertain forms the backbone of his productions. To distinguish his choreographies, he incorporates everyday gestures rather than choreographed moves. Through his body language, he is able to convey his emotions and imagination. As an exponent of Chhau dance, he is invited to lecture and give workshops at universities and cultural institutions. His teachings incorporate the essentials of Mayurbhanj Chhau, body alignment, the efficiency of movement and performance quality.

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