Shraddha Dance Centre

Bharatanatyam Dance School

Shraddha Dance Centre

Bharatanatyam Dance School


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“SHRADDHA”, a small ‘dance class’, which Shama started with the aim of sharing the joy of dancing and impart the knowledge passed on to her by her Gurus, has grown into an institution training a number of students in Bharatanatyam. The students at “Shraddha” are systematically trained. Their session starts with essential warm up stretches, practice of Anga and Upanga Bhedas, intense adavus (basic steps), rendering of jathis and taalas and all the elements of a Margam. The students are also posed with the challenge of creating their own choreographies from time to time. A special effort is made to educate the students about the historical and spiritual background of dance in India. Many students of Shraddha Dance Centre have completed the junior, senior, and proficiency levels of examinations conducted by the Karnataka Secondary Education Board. Special workshops by senior professional dancers enable them to widen their spectrum of dance. The Shraddha Dance Ensemble has given several performances on prestigious platforms which equips the dancers with the confidence to present their art in front of vast audience fearlessly. Admission to the dance centre can be done after the student is a minimum of six years of age. Shama believes that it is very essential to create a traditional environment to make it easy for the student to absorb the traditional values of dance. Thus the students are directed to dress in the traditional Shraddha attire and conduct themselves with discipline through the class. To encourage the building of team spirit, the students are taken on occasional trips which are both fun and educative. The Dance centre celebrates its anniversary, “Shraddha Nrityarnav” every year by presenting performances of all the students and also featuring invited artists.

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