Sanskriti - Centre For Performing Arts

To Promote Bharatanatyam And Carnatic Classical Music

Sanskriti - Centre For Performing Arts

To Promote Bharatanatyam And Carnatic Classical Music


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Sanskriti a registered charitable trust is functioning as an academic institution for over 15 years now. The Guru and Director of Sanskriti, Vidushi Smt. Suchitra Alaknanda has been successful in imparting value added education of the form of classical dance and music to aspiring students. The main objective of the institution is to promote cultural ethics and values in the form of dance and music among young enthusiastic students thereby enabling them to expand further and establish themselves in these spectra. Having started on a humble note with 3 students in 1998, Sanskriti has grown steadily, thanks to the dedicated efforts of the Guru and director, Smt. Suchitra, who has devoted a major portion of her life to passing on traditional music and dance forms to aspiring students. The core philosophy of Sanskriti is to carry forward the values of ancient and pure forms of Bharatanatyam and Carnatic Classical music as a parampara' (tradition) that has been initiated and propagated by the pioneers in the field. Also, the institution aims at preparing the young students to be the torch-bearers of the rich Indian classical forms and pass it on to the coming generations. In the course of training a lot of impetus is given to the importance of the history of these art forms and the deep cultural meanings they portray. Sanskriti is popular for its authentic training methods which strongly impart, not only the cultural but also the spiritual ethics and values to the students.

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