Aishwarya Nityananda

Disciple of Guru Radha Sridar

Aishwarya Nityananda

Disciple of Guru Radha Sridar


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Aishwarya Nityananda is a disciple of Guru Radha Sridar. She is well known for the choreography of a special special thematic program 'Leela Mohana Krishna' centring round Krishna's multiple personalities – as a god child, prankster, a model lover, hero and Supreme Being. Krishna's various leelas were portrayed through compositions soaked in love and devotion. She has an endearing personality. She is also known for enjoying her performance all the time. In one of her performance at Habitat Centre in New Delhi. She opened her performance with well known Annamacharya's kriti Bhavayami Gopalabalam in Yaman Kalyani raga and khanda chapu tala, made popular by Subbbulakshmi, Aishwarya highlighted the devotional aspect wherein the poet says that even Brahma and other gods worship the feet of Lord Venkateswara on the hill of Tirupati. The iconic image of the lord was evocative. She is Groomed at Bangalore’s Sri Venkatesh Natya Mandira. She was chosen for the coveted opening slot of the Academy’s dance festival. With a competent batch of musicians, Aishwarya began with ‘Thattajam’ Pushpanjali in Amrithavarshini, before going on to the centre piece of the Thanjavur Quartet, Ashtaragamalika varnam, ‘Sami Ninne Kori.’ Very expressive in conveying the nayika’s love for the ‘Tanjapurivasa’ and with full rhythmic command displayed in the intervening jatis, even while the nattuvangam by Pulikesh Kasturi. She is currently living in Bangalore.

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