Abhinava Dance Company

A School For Kathak , Bharathanatyam & Natyashastra

Abhinava Dance Company

A School For Kathak , Bharathanatyam & Natyashastra


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Established in 1996, the Dance School conducts classes every week for age groups between 5 yrs - 60 yrs of age. Whether you are a child, teenager, housewife or a working professional, there is something for EVERYBODY here ! Regular classes are offered in Kathak , Bharathanatyam & Natyashastra. The school provides an environment with all amenities including two world-class dance studios located in the cultural hub of the city - Basavanagudi, South Bangalore. Abhinava Dance School is endorsed by The Indian Council for Cultural Relations (ICCR) as an institute meeting the international standards for Guru-shishya training in dance & has opened scholarships for foreign students who wish to learn at the institution.

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