
Genre/StyleThe Arts, Music


Genre/StyleThe Arts, Music



Shloka - Mantra, Stotra, Sutra, Bhakti, Bhajan, Shloka or śloka (Sanskrit: श्लोक śloka, from the root śru, lit. 'hear' in a broader sense, according to Monier-Williams's dictionary, is "any verse or stanza; a proverb, saying"; but in particular it refers to the 32-line verse, derived from the Vedic anuṣṭubh metre, used in the Bhagavad Gita and many other works of classical Sanskrit literature.

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Shloka - Mantra, Stotra, Sutra, Bhakti, Bhajan, Shloka or śloka (Sanskrit: श्लोक śloka, from the root śru, lit. 'hear' in a broader sense, according to Monier-Williams's dictionary, is "any verse or stanza; a proverb, saying"; but in particular it refers to the 32-line verse, derived from the Vedic anuṣṭubh metre, used in the Bhagavad Gita and many other works of classical Sanskrit literature.

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