Sub-CategoryThe Arts

Sub-CategoryThe Arts
Dancing is a performing art involving body movements and expressions, usually set to music. Dance is an art form consisting of sequences of body movements with aesthetic and often symbolic value, either improvised or purposefully selected.
Dance and Music have been very closely associated. Some of the dance forms are based on the genre of music. Others have individual names. Those based on the genre can be added by selecting hobby and genre. Example "Dancing - Hip hop". Others are listed here
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Tags and Hobbies
Dancing is a performing art involving body movements and expressions, usually set to music. Dance is an art form consisting of sequences of body movements with aesthetic and often symbolic value, either improvised or purposefully selected.
Dance and Music have been very closely associated. Some of the dance forms are based on the genre of music. Others have individual names. Those based on the genre can be added by selecting hobby and genre. Example "Dancing - Hip hop". Others are listed here